Handcrafted, Delicate, Wire Wrapped Jewelry for the Free Spirited
Stones & Their Meaning
A stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others, or who need confidence & articulation to share their truths.
Provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent to what matters most.
A “Stone of the Diplomat,” assisting communication in situations were angry words must be avoided, but clear understanding is necessary.
Help provide composure and maturity.
Helps protect against excessive negativity.
Provides stimulating energy that encourages action and decisiveness.
Empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity. To move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation with others to live in alignment with those beliefs and values.
Provides the freedom to express one’s thoughts and feelings, and to set strong and clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally on what one is willing to experience or in defining personal space.
The birthstone for February
A stone of spiritual protection and purification, cleansing one's energy field of negative influences and attachments, and creating a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body.
Acts as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attack, geopathic stress and unhealthy environments.
Known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals.
Clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good.
Increases general feelings of health by lessening aches and pains.
Produces faster healing of all bodily systems.
Helps with disorders related to nervousness or anxiety.
Helps ease headaches, including migraines.
May also help with disorders of the eyes.
Can produce positive effects when leaving addictions behind & emerging into a new state of health.
Creates a more restful sleep and combats sleepwalking, nightmares and insomnia.
Enables you to focus on the now, and leave the past behind.
Clarity and courage are the hallmarks of this crystal’s effects. If you’ve suffered a deep loss, either personally or professionally, charoite can help you get back on your feet and move forward.
Strengthens self-esteem and gives you the confidence to overcome fear. Deep fears of things that occurred in the past and fear of the future can both be overcome.
Gives a clearer fix on their goals and how to achieve them.
Helps open your mind to spiritual healing & grounds your energy to keep from becoming overwhelmed.
Encourages service to others, feelings of oneness and creates a spirit of generosity within you.
Boosts creativity -- draws positive energy and clears your mind, allowing creative thoughts to come to the fore.
Assists in acquiring wealth and helps in maintaining it.
A stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good.
Encourages generosity and sharing good fortune
Is especially helpful in financial speculation and for commercial success. Carry one in the purse or wallet to attract money and stop excessive outflow.
Improves interactions for all who work in sales, merchant banking, casinos, sports, fitness instruction and the media
Strengthens the inner light and sparks creativity and imagination. It is ideal for artists of all kinds.
Smooths family or group problems, and promotes solutions and cohesiveness.
Helps in understanding and dealing with absorbed impressions from those around us.
Attracts love and happiness, and guards against those who would break your heart. It is also an effective shield against spite and jealousy.
The gift of a Citrine angel or sphere to a newborn brings intelligence, health, happiness, curiosity, confidence, and healing wisdom.
When placed where the light catches them, Citrine clears unfriendly ghosts from an area. Sprinkle a Citrine elixir weekly to prevent the negative energies from returning.
Place in the wealth corner of your home or business, or in the cash box. Citrine fades in sunlight.
Evokes passion, romance and strength.
Symbolizes joy, prosperity, protection and abundance.
Wearing Red Coral aids in the ability to understand the purpose of things, while encouraging creativity.
A good assistant in meditation and visualization, bringing zen, clarity and emotional balance.
Red Coral is a stone of optimism
Calms the mind, stimulates intuition and facilitates emotional healing.
Believed to nourish the blood, stimulate tissue regeneration and strengthen the skeleton.
Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system while treating disorders of the kidney, bladder and thyroid.
Red Coral stimulates the base chakra, and helps to focus energy on the pursuit of goals.
Protects from depression and despondency, while helping to diminish compulsive behaviors.
Boosts leadership qualities, aiding determination and seeing projects through to completion.
Clears feelings of resentment and frustration.
Wearing this gem is also used to bring luck and pleasant dreams.
A stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself.
Helps you take control of your life and increase level of patience.
Stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with both mathematical and language based mental skills.
A stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself.
Helps you take control of your life and increase level of patience.
Stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with both mathematical and language based mental skills
They are links to the past and, as such, can be helpful for past-life visualisation, astral travel & increased knowledge of ancient ways.
Fossils are associated with the earth element, which can heighten your intuition, especially when learning about crystals.
Are often used as talismans for protection and long life.
Calming, soothing purifying stone
Encourages emotional healing, activates and stabilizes the heart chakra.
Can be used to see all sides of a situation and surmise a variety of possibilities.
It can cultivate creativity, insight and inspiration.
Encourages growth and development to foster positive change from within.
Opens the mind to new ideas and endless possibilities.
Believed to help ease mood swings, encourage acceptance and soothe feelings of emotional aggravation resulting in a more optimistic attitude towards life.
Pushes one to use the knowledge they already possess, while also enlightening one to the wisdom of others to help one become a better person for all of humanity's benefit.
Powerful energy generator and is a very lucky gemstone.
Known as the stone of wisdom.
Use it to alleviate fear of the dark for your children
It may help with finance and prosperity.
Brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature’s most healing crystals of the heart and mind.
Resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body.
Facilitates open, honest, and authentic communication.
Clears the energy blocks clogging your fifth chakra to permit a better flow of energy to assist in self-expression and communication
Allows you to get honest with others, and with yourself.
Encourages you to dive deep and learn to speak your truth in all situations.
Connects you to higher states of being and a higher consciousness.
Provides relief from anxiety and a dose of peaceful energy to help express yourself.
Helps raise consciousness and strengthen connections to your truest, highest self.
If you look at this lovely blue stone you will see within it the colors of the sea and sky. It has a strong harmonious feminine energy and calls forth feelings of a spiritual nature.
Powerful healing crystals to aid in releasing deep seated pain, resentment and fear.
Can aid you to clear any negative entities or other attachments.
Is calming and soothing.
A stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention.
Absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface.
Clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras.
An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.
It is the quintessential gemstone of love and compassion.
Brings true joy to one's life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love oneself and others unconditionally.
Takes up the process and empowers one to reach one’s full potential, focusing one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all.
Is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It is a talisman to further the “brotherhood of humanity.”
The Rhyolite crystal meaning is all about self-love -- it’s radiant energy infusing your spirit with pure joy, like an antidepressant but without any side effects.
Helps revive your lost memory and enhances your wisdom.
Removes obstacles from your life and magnifies your physical abilities.
Helps solve problems
Helps strike the right cord with your mental and emotional balances and helps you take control of your life.
Helps you find your inner peace and makes you feel at ease.
Sodalite meaning is all about logic, truth and inner peace.
Improve communications.
Helps reduce negativity and enhance positivity, assisting in working through disagreements by putting a more positive light on the issue.
Bring about a "glass half full" perspective to any situation
A powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety
Aids harmony and balance.
It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.
A powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety
Aids harmony and balance.
It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.
Stimulates the heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakra.
Meditation with Verdite can provide insights and visions from ancient civilisations.
Can be used to reveal both deceit and truth of a relationship trust or distrust issue.
Encourages the advancement of ones heart’s desires with a vitality and zest for life.
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